Thursday, July 25, 2013

All the TRUE

For years now we hear from the media that there are no dangerous sharks in Greece. They refer only to some types of shark, harmless to humans living in deep and eat only fish. Yeah right! The regime this propaganda is nothing but dust in the eyes of the people in an effort to support tourism, the only heavy industry in Greece and the megaloependyton. Create the perfect image of sun, sea and perfect of perfect vacation to become richer at the expense of the innocent world as it did in Jaws one, what with Richard Dreyfuss. But what our carefully conceal is that the Greek waters are full of all sorts of sharks, small and large, but harmless and cannibals! In ancient times, an era that had not yet developed tourism (random ;), there are many reports of shark attacks this first dating from Herodotus in 493 BC Then and during the centuries, recorded hundreds of attacks from Crete to Halkidiki! This continues until the 50's where we see the tourism industry to grow while starts and concealment of such events. From then until today, and every summer we have many unnecessary deaths at sea speaks of carelessness and accidents suppressing the real causes of these deaths. So we hear from the channels that all these people dying 'drowned', 'had a heart attack "," disappeared "," ate too "crap ie why eg nobody ever died from too Fai. Rulers created the illusion of tourism development resulting in entire islands to live exclusively from tourism which forces many times their own inhabitants to lie or conceal incidents with sharks. Imagine suddenly be told that the Greek seas, the islands go for swimming, sea monsters move? Imagine the economic disaster? Enterprises will ftochefan, people would be left unemployed and entire islands will be closed!The tipotastasovara, genuine antiauthoritarian blog denounces the lies and once again presents the facts as they are. And if in the end be forced to close some islands, on what to do, will open new. So check the documents and see you this summer in the deep

Species of SHARKS in GREECE

                          SHARK                              Sharks are fish that belong to the overclass Selachimorfa. Sharks and their relatives smaller sharks, lampreys, etc. have morphological and functional homogeneity. Have calcified and exclusively cartilaginous skeleton, big head, big teeth, body elongated, streamlined, powerful tail, usually with eterokerko tailfin, rough skin (brown on the back and abdomen brownish) covered by "plate scales" (skin teeth). It is fast and excellent swimmers, voracious, carnivorous fish. Also most oozootoka Sharks are animals.
The sharks have diversified into about 440 species with size from 20 centimeters to 15 meters (whale shark). They live mainly in warm seas, but you can encounter rare and large navigable rivers which enter the following merchant ships, except the shark [notes 1] that can live comfortably in both freshwater and saltwater.
Several well-known species such as the white shark, the tiger shark, the blue shark, the Mako shark and hammerheads are top hunters. However, despite the admiration caused in humans, often threatened by activities such as fishing.
The name "shark" comes from the ancient Greek word shark (= saw), because of the shape and arrangement of the teeth.

                                                            SCALIORHINUS CANICULA
 O Scyliorhinus canicula, aka, puppy and cat, is a kind of shark belongs to the family Skyliorinides. Apatantai in the northeastern Atlantic, from Norway to Senegal, including the Mediterranean, on the continental shelf. Prefers sandy and muddy bottom at a depth of a few meters up to 400 meters. [1] It shares its habitat with the parent cat. Reaches a length of one meter and a weight of two kilograms. [2] is thin body with two dorsal fins positioned backwards. Has many small dark brown and black spots.
It is an opportunistic predator that feeds on a great variety. The diet includes molluscs, echinoderms and crustaceans. [1] This type of shark is oviparous, depositing eggs lengths up to 6 cm on algae. [3] The embryos hatch after 5-11 months.

Is one of the most abundant elasmobranch in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, with most populations are stable. [4]

                                                            ODONTASPIS FEROX
 The Odontaspis ferox, Odontaspis savage shark is a type which belongs to the family Odontaspides, with worldwide although fragmentary presence in temperate and tropical waters. Usually found in rocky habitats deepwater, although it is sometimes found in shallow waters, and are known for the fact that return to the same place year after year. This rare species often confused with the much more frequent bull shark (Carcharias taurus), from which it can be distinguished with the first dorsal fin, which is greater than the second and placed ahead. It reaches a length of at least 4.1 meters and weighing 290 pounds.Very little is known about the biology and behavior of agriokarcharia. It is an active predator of benthic Osteichthyes, cartilaginous Ms. aspodylon. This species is considered to be oozootoko with oofaga embryos like other members of the class lamnomorfon. In contrast to the size and appearance, this shark is akindynow, having never been known for their aggressive behavior towards humans. There is concern that the numbers are decreasing due to human activities in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, although the existing data are not sufficient for a full assessment of its conservation status.
The acanthus spurdog prickly dogfish (scientific name Squalus acanthias) is the most famous dogfish, a member of the family skytellidon. The main feature of prickling the two spines in front of the first and second dorsal fin. Found in shallow waters and at greater distances from the coast, mainly in temperate seas. Verified to live over 100 years. [1]Description
O Dogfish has dorsal spines, no anal fin and bears white spots along its back. The caudal fin has asymmetrical lobes, forming a eterokerki tail. The name refers to two Dogfish shark spines. These are used defensively. If arrested, the acanthus can bends his back by way of the arch to penetrate the enemy. Glands at the base of the spines secrete a mild poison.
Males mature at around age 11 years, reaching a length of 80-100 cm, while females mature at 18-21 years and are slightly larger than males, reaching one to two feet in length. [2] and both genders are gray-brown in color and is darker on the back and the belly whiter. Males are identified by a pair of pelvic fins modified as sperm transfer instrument or pinnipeds. The male inserts one pinnipeds in the vent of the female during copulation. It oozootoka animals.

 The astrogaleos (Moustelos starfish) is sort of the shark family triakidon that answers the Greek seas. Taken to taste the flesh.
Shark is medium sized (50-100 cm, although sometimes it can reach up to 140 cm). The back is gray or brown and covered with white spots which give it its name. The belly is white.
The astrogaleos lives in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, from the UK to the Canary Islands. It is also found in almost the entire Mediterranean.

It lives mainly in the bottom shelf.
It feeds mainly on crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters.
Is viviparous fish

                                                              ECHINORHINUS BRUSUS
 The Echinorhinus brucus is one of the two members of the family Echinorinides. The other is the kind Echinorhinus cookei. Found in the Western Pacific Ocean, and in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, including the Mediterranean. This shark swims near the bottom at a depth of usually 400 to 900 meters, although it has been found in shallower waters. The achinoskylopsaro has bulky body, with two small dorsal fins, the way back to the body and has no anal fin. Recognized by agkathoeidi skin teeth located throughout the body, some of which have synnenothei between them. Is purple brown or black and reaches a length of up to 3.1 meters, although usually has a length of 2 meters.
His diet includes achinoskylopsarou smaller sharks, Osteichthyes and crabs that this slow-moving species can be caught sucking. Oozootoka is, with the females lay whenever 15-52 microns. They are harmless to humans. It is often parapipton catch, and occasionally as fish feed or for oil extracted from the liver. The IUCN does not currently have enough information to incorporate fish in a conservation status. The population has declined significantly in the North Atlantic from the 18th and 19th century, probably due to overfishing.

                                                                 BLUE SHARK
 The blue shark (scientific name Prionace glauca) is a shark karcharinides family that lives in tropical and temperate seas. Although usually lazy, they can move quickly. The blue shark is viviparous, gennontas 25-100 microns. They feed on small fish and squid, but can attack and more smooth. The blue shark form herds separated by gender and size.
The blue shark have lightweight body construction and long pectoral fins. The upper part of their body is blue, the blue side and white underneath. They reach a length of 3.8 meters and a weight of 390 pounds, although the average is around 200.
The adult sharks are not threatened regularly by any kind except humans. Smaller sharks can be devoured quite large sharks such as white shark and tiger shark

 The exakarcharias or gray notidanos (scientific name Hexanchus griseus - the gray hexane), aka plow, is a large shark, the largest of about exanchimorfon, reaching lengths of up to 5.4 meters. It is affiliated with dogfish and Greenland shark. Some relatives of this shark lived before 200 million years. This shark is remarkable mainly due to primitive and modern features. These sharks have an average size of about 3 m in males and females for 4 meters. Reaches a length of 5.5 meters and weighs 600 pounds. Its shape is similar to sharks living in the Triassic period, with a dorsal fin, near the ouriaio fin and has six pairs of gills.
Apatantatai at depths greater than 90 meters and has been recorded at a depth of two kilometers in all tropical and temperate seas of the Earth. It is possible to perform vertical migrations, moving to the surface at night and turning the depths before dawn. It is observed in specific regions in a depth of less than 30 meters. Due to the wide spread of the diet varies and typically includes mollusks, crustaceans and Agnatha. Little is known about the reproduction of exakarcharia, apart from the fact that it is oozootokos and generates up to 100 microns at a time.
This shark though large, seems to have attacked people. Taken for the oil from the liver. The raw meat is poisonous

                                                      SCALLOPED HAMMERHEAD

The scalloped hammerhead (scientific name Sphyrna zygaena - Sfyrna scalloped hammerhead), also known as barracuda and crozier, is a type of hammerhead, whose head has no exploratory projection forward (hence the name smooth (smooth, smooth) in English). Unlike other sfyrokefaloths, this type prefers temperate waters and occurs worldwide in middle latitudes. In summer, these sharks migrate poleward in cooler water masses, sometimes forming flocks numbering in the hundreds to thousands of sharks.It is the second largest hammerhead shark, with lengths of up to five meters. It is an active predator that feeds on a wide variety of Osteichthyes and invertebrates, while older people are also fed with sharks and stingrays. As in the rest of his family, this shark is viviparous and gives birth once every 20 to 40 pups. It is relatively common shark, and arrested, intentionally or not, for commercial fishing in the whole range. The fins are extremely valuable for use in shark fin soup. This shark is potentially dangerous and is likely to have been responsible for several attacks on humans, although they are less likely to meet swimmers from other large hammerhead species because of temperate habitat.

                                                                  BASKING SHARK

The basking shark (scientific name Cetorhinus maximus - Kitorinos the maximum), aka priest or soap  is the second largest living fish, after the whale shark with length up to 12 meters and weighs 19 tons,  though rarely exceed 8 feet long and 5 tons of weight.found in all temperate seas of the world and is a migratory species.  It moves slowly and generally filters the water and has anatomical adaptations to feed filtering as a much enlarged mouth and highly developed gill rakers. The shape of the tip is tapered and the gill slits extend around the top and bottom of the head. The gill rakers are dark and resemble hairy and are used to catch plankton as water filtered through the mouth and over the gills. The basking shark is usually grayish-brown color and often seems to bring spots. The caudal fin has a strong lateral keel and a crescent-shaped. Shark teeth are very small and numerous, and often appear in hundred series. The teeth are single conical spike, curved backwards and are the same on both sides of the jaw, upper and lower.The basking shark is a migratory species and are believed to hibernate in deep waters. May occur either in small flocks segregation or alone.  The basking shark is not aggressive and generally harmless to humans. It oozootokoi, with little in the mother's body to feed on unfertilized eggs, a practice known as oofagia. Long been commercially important fish, as a food source, liver oil, shark fins and feed.  overexploitation has reduced their populations to the point that some have apparently disappeared and others need protection.
                                                             COMMON ALOPIAS
The shark common alopias (Alopias vulpinus - Alopias the alepoudisios) is the largest species alopia, family Alopeides (Alopiidae), reaching a maximum known length of 6 meters. Nearly half of the length is elongated upper lobe of the tail fin. This structure is used by sharks like whip to strike its prey. The common alopias looks (and often confused with) the pelagic alopia (A. pelagicus), who also has a sophisticated body, short muzzle and medium-sized eyes. Can be distinguished from the white as pelagic abdomen of a strip extending over the bases of the pectoral fins.
Common alopies residing both in coastal and pelagic waters in both in tropical and temperate climates throughout the world, from the surface to 550 meters depth. Sharks are seasonally migratory and follow the warm water in higher latitudes in summer. The common alopias is fast, powerful swimmer who has become known for jumping out of the water. Has physiological adaptations that allow them to maintain internal body temperature higher than that of the surrounding marine waters. This species feeds mainly on small fish schools. Together with other sharks, the common alopias is oozootoko with their unborn fetuses anapryssontai in underdeveloped eggs inside the mother. Females lay 2-7 pups after a gestation period of nine months.
Although the large common alopias has relatively small teeth and calm demeanor, and for this reason is not a risk to humans. The common alopias considered commercial species for meat, liver and fins. But the common alopias not sustainable when overfished species because it has small reproductive rate
                                                     CENTROPHORUS GRANULOSUS
 The Centrophorus granulosus - center line, the Sable is a common dogfish that lives in deep waters over the continental shelf, at depths of 200 meters. Found in the Gulf of Mexico, in the eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Indian and Pacific ocean south of Honshu. It belongs to the family of kentroforidon. It has a light gray-brown dorsally and slightly paler on the belly. The two dorsal fins bear spines and not anal fin.Reaches a length of 1.6 meters. Lives near the bottom at depths from 200 to 600 meters. It eats mainly Osteichthyes. It oozootoka animals. The kokkokentroforos harmless to humans. Fishing occurs mainly in the eastern Atlantic, which is fished by trawlers, mostly bottom and can be caught with longlines. Its meat consumed smoked or salted, and has been used as fish feed, while in Japan caught to extract oil from the large liver.
Considered species with distribution in temperate and tropical waters. Found in the eastern Atlantic (France until South Africa), in the Mediterranean, the western and central Atlantic (northern Gulf of Mexico), the Indian Ocean, the western Pacific and Australia. In the Mediterranean there is no evidence to show the existence of different populations. There is also no evidence to show relationship between populations of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. Greater density of species in the Mediterranean is in western and central region. O kokkokentroforos is deep-sea species that occurs niritiki zone, at depths ranging from 100 to 1,490 m in
His diet includes a variety of game, both fish and invertebrates Midwater and benthic zone. The age of maturity is 12 to 16 years in females and 7.8 years in males. It oozootoko type and has a very low reproductive rate. The pregnancy period is about two years, and among them a rest period. Gives birth to a cub in each litter. The species has the lowest reproductive potential between the cartilaginous fish. Believed to form herds. 
                                                                 WHITE SHARK
  The white shark (scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias - (Karcharodon shark)), aka sprillios, great white, white death or neat shark is an exceptionally large shark found in coastal waters near the surface in all major oceans . It reaches a length greater than 6 meters [1] and weigh up to 2,240 kilograms. [2] It is the only species of its genus (Carcharodon) that still exists.
Reaches maturity around the age of 15 years and can live over 30 years. The great white shark is arguably the largest known predatory fish and is one of the main enemies of marine mammals. So it feeds on a variety of other marine animals including fish, pinnipeds and seabirds
                                                      MAKRYPTERYGOS MAKO
 The makrypterygos Mako (scientific name Isurus paucus - isourea the oligos) is a shark of the family Lamnidis who lives in temperate and tropical waters. Like mentioned as Mako Mako shark, although it is more scarce. It is a pelagic species and lives in waters of moderate depth. It reaches a maximum length of 4.3 meters. The main feature is the large and long pectoral fins.The slim body of makrypterygou shortfin mako and long, broad pectoral fins make it look like the ocean lefkopterygo shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) and blue shark (Prionace glauca), two nights Sharks upper ocean waters. This morphological similarity suggests that makrypterygos Mako is less active than the shortfin mako, one of the fastest and most active sharks. [1] Like other members of his family, this species has a sygkykloforiako vasculature called mirabilia Rete ( Latin for "wonderful network", singular Rete mirabile) in the musculature of the trunk and around the eyes and mind. This system allows to maintain Lamnidis metabolic heat and maintain body temperature higher than the environment, although it is not certain whether the makrypterygos Mako is the same. 
                                                       BIGEYE ALOPIAS
  The bigeye alopias (scientific name Alopias superciliosus - Alopias the ypervlefarodis) is a species of the genus Alopias shark that lives in tropical and temperate waters around the world. Like other alepokarcharies, almost half of the total length consisting of the elongated upper lobe of the tail fin. The common name comes from its huge eyes, which occupy the keyhole shaped slots that allow it to rotate upward. This species is also distinguished by a pair of deep grooves in the top of the head, from which scientific name.The large eyes of bigeye alopia adapted for hunting in low light conditions. It is one of the few sharks out vertical migration, staying in deep water during the day and moving into surface waters at night to feed. To protect sensitive brain and eye of the temperature changes that accompany these movements of bigeye alopias has a vascular exchange system called Rete mirabile around these organs. This species feeds mainly on fish and squid, which stunned me with blows from the long tail. The Bigeye alopias is oozootokos, and usually lays two small. Embryos are oofaga and fed with the eggs produced by the mother, while inside the womb. This shark is fished commercially, where he lives. The meat was not appreciated, but the skin, fins, and liver oil have value.
 The stachtokarcharias [1] (Carcharhinus plumbeus) is shark species belonging to the family of karcharinidon, whose main characteristic is the high first dorsal fin and the ridge between the two dorsal fins. Also have large pectoral fins. Females in length from 2 to 2.8 meters and males up to about 1.8 meters, which ranks them among the largest coastal shark species. It is found in warm and tropical seas, among which the Mediterranean. Females become mature after 13 years, when a length of approximately 1.5 meters. Is viviparous. Akin to the dark sharks, shark and megaloryncho karcharino. It feeds mainly on Osteichthyes, small sharks, cephalopods and shrimps.The stachtokarcharias considered globally exposed to risk exafanasis, while the Mediterranean is the kind considered endangered. Contrast in Hawaii is of minimal importance. The main threats that this species is coastal fisheries as an important part of the catch. Approximately 2-3% of shark fins sold in Hong Kong from this genre. The species is considered to have low reproductive rate, if he lives long, and for this reason it is considered threatened because of overfishing, has been noted that the population of the world has declined. Exception is Hawaii, where the shark is not fished. In Australia have taken measures to avoid losing more population.
                                                                WHALE SHARK
 The whale shark (Rhincodon typus - Rynchodon guy) is a slowly moving shark feeds by filtering food and it is the largest fish in the world, which features due to its name. It can reach up to 12.6 m (41 ft) long and weighs 21.5 tons. [1]
This distinctly scarred shark is the only member of its genus, Rhincodon and family, Rinkodontides (Rhincodontidae) (which Kaloutas Rinkodontes (Rhinodontes) before 1984), which is grouped to the class Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchii in the phylum. The whale shark lives in tropical and warm oceans and lives in the open sea and can live for about 70 years. The species is believed to have appeared before about 60 million years. [Citation pending]
The whale sharks feed primarily, if not exclusively, on plankton, which are microscopic plants and animals, although the series of BBC Planet Earth seems that eating a flock of small fish. Considered by the IUCN as a vulnerable species and the number the whale shark is not known .